Party Food?
For the first time in ages I'm having a bit of a shindig at 'Cafe Chris', I suppose to celebrate my new found solvency and a chance to wreck the joint before the decorators move in. Now I've never been too bad at cooking (my Gran and Mother dearest being pretty good teachers) but have generally been a bit lazy unless catering for a largish number. I also like trying new stuff so was sort of thinking sushi as good party food and with parties the odd aphrodisiac food like oysters or something is always good for a giggle. Anyway I came across this article whilst looking for ideas...
The mind boggles, byjezus I think the guests might scarper if I served anything like that but I must admit I'm incredibly intrigued about trying some, even though the thought of it seems revolting in the same way as sheep's eyeballs or monkey brains.... I may have to enquire at the local Chinese supermarket!