This sanity isn't all it's 'cracked up' to be....
Well finally decided it was time to post about the 'follow up' to my 'weirdness'. As before mentioned I was getting a little confused as to why I have been completely forgetful, distracted and a little unable to stick with even the most simple of tasks. Oh and did I mention I was fecing bored.....
Probably did actually it's just that I've forgotten about it, bit regular this forgetting stuff!.
Anyway, RESULT. Well not exactly but having sort of thought being the biologist around here I assumed I was relatively good at self examination of symptoms, oh and I don't mean checking for lumps and things, though we all should do that (and I've got this one on my head that has been there since I cracked my head open at about 5 but it's probably not cancer). Anyway I digress being the easily distracted type. I have been to the doctor shrink. It was sort of annoying I am completely and utterly sane, no AD/HD, no depression, no BI-polar whatsit, no schizophrenia no fecing anything, what a let down.... In fact I even fidgeted a lot just for fun but she wasn't buying it. Was funny though when she realised I was joking. I was a little alarmed when she asked if I had any accidents recently such as burning down my house. I do quite enjoy fireworks and explosions but I'm no pyromaniac which would have been cool too...
I have been diagnosed with attention problems though, albeit fairly mild. This has two possible causes. Firstly the whole being single thing again has meant I'm in a stabilisation pattern of some description which makes sense but the most likely culprit is my sort of over indulgence over many years of stuff that I shouldn't smoke. Oh well there goes one of my few pleasures in life. She didn't buy the 'self medication' argument either, cow!. But not one to argue with clever doctor types time for a change of lifestyle again. I'm sure I'll just be more bored now but we shall see. I wonder if I should watch 'reefer madness' one more time?