'Saffron Revolution'

Like many others I suspect I have been keeping what tabs I can on the protests of the last 10 days or so by the monks in Burma in reaction to the recent huge fuel price rises imposed by the military Junta that presently rules Burma.

There have been many protests in the past aimed by the population in the main trying to restore 'democracy' in Burma and I am heartened that the monks will achieve more recognition than the students in the past and may achieve more but suspect despite the monks being peaceful and nonviolent in all aspects they will end up getting brutally suppressed as those before them. However wouldn't a 'comprise' be, just for the Junta to lower fuel costs again and still remain in power or has the point of no return been reached and all the population tolerate be their total removal from power?

I was interested in Bush's speech regarding Burma yesterday. Very commendable statements but how much of it was 'China' baiting and how much of it was an opinion without agenda by a superpower leader?. We must all be aware of the trade route of Burma and how much of a necessity it is to China to have a stable country there as a neighbour.

Hopefully despite the harsh reporting restrictions and censorship laws within Burma some brave souls are getting footage out as the troops move in.....

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