I hear the voices....

Found this article on the idea of mass mind control and emf interference


Very interesting indeed. I have experienced at times the 'voices in my head' but put it down to one too many tequila or a case of paranoia due to stress.
Surprisingly tho once I got involved with looking into orgonite, zappers and the work of the Crofts and Wilhelm Reich I actually experienced more of this 'voicy stuff'. It tended to occur at night just before sleep and was almost like an attempt to cause sleep deprivation.

Well being the proper little pagan I am I have been taught a few 'protection' techniques over the years and focused the appropriate way and they pretty much died down. I don't know if this is coincidence, paranoia and me being unhinged but it seemed acutely real at the time and as we all experience our own reality it was 'real to me'.

I haven't really experienced anything like it before except in early childhood when I used to talk to the 'visi people' that my mum still thinks to this day where ghosts or guardian angels of some description. I do remember seeing floating orbs as a child though on many an occasion, especially in my grandmothers house for some reason.

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