Trendy Tasers

Found an intersting article on the BBC today regarding new plans by the company Tazer which makes 50,000 v stun guns (that actually kill quite a lot of people unsurprisingly) to make sleek trendy civilian models that are hanbag sized and come in all sorts of colours including pink (thats me sold then....).
These things are completly legal in the good ol USA as they aren't considered firearms (a handheld device that fires projectile darts that pierce the skin and deliver 50,000 v a zap sounds pretty firearm like to me tho).
I had a quick look at US prices and you can pick up one of these new models for less then £200 in real money. Don't imagine what the postage and packing is but thats relativly inexpensive. I'll have to tell all my homie gangster mates living in the Ghetto to get online and take a look rather than wasting thier time blagging guns off yardies then!.
Actually the Tazer website promotion logo states 'saving lives everyday', it's almost as if it's somesort of medical device. In reality it looks more like some sort of love toy but then I haven't seen enough of those to possibly comment:)
I really must find out if they are legal in this country, I don't think the local muggers would be too happy to be tazered but as they tend to work in gangs and you can only tazer one victim, sorry mugger at a time I'd probably just end up getting stabbed and then tazered with my own stun gun which they would probably steal aswell as the watch and wallet they were probably only after originally!.
Saying that tho if the police can have them I think I should too after all I live in a worse area than most police live in Nottingham and therefore more vunerable.....
These things are completly legal in the good ol USA as they aren't considered firearms (a handheld device that fires projectile darts that pierce the skin and deliver 50,000 v a zap sounds pretty firearm like to me tho).
I had a quick look at US prices and you can pick up one of these new models for less then £200 in real money. Don't imagine what the postage and packing is but thats relativly inexpensive. I'll have to tell all my homie gangster mates living in the Ghetto to get online and take a look rather than wasting thier time blagging guns off yardies then!.
Actually the Tazer website promotion logo states 'saving lives everyday', it's almost as if it's somesort of medical device. In reality it looks more like some sort of love toy but then I haven't seen enough of those to possibly comment:)
I really must find out if they are legal in this country, I don't think the local muggers would be too happy to be tazered but as they tend to work in gangs and you can only tazer one victim, sorry mugger at a time I'd probably just end up getting stabbed and then tazered with my own stun gun which they would probably steal aswell as the watch and wallet they were probably only after originally!.
Saying that tho if the police can have them I think I should too after all I live in a worse area than most police live in Nottingham and therefore more vunerable.....