New hobby, new overdraft.....

I decided as part of my new year resolutions to get a new hobby or three. A lot of people do this and I presume most give up in a month or two but I really was a bit bored of playing computer games and watching rubbish TV, and as I have plenty of time on my hands wanted to do stuff I had always thought about but never got around to doing.
Well one of the 'things' I had in mind for years but never got around to was learning to play an instrument. OK I had learnt the recorder at school and bashed around on kettle drums and tambourine but wanted a proper instrument. I really should have opted for the guitar years ago but after a few strums on mates was never really taken with them. I enjoyed drums but a cool kit takes space and finances so in my Divine wisdom decided to buy possibly one of the hardest instruments in the world to play, a saxophone.
Yes this is completely foolish, not only has it cost me a tidy sum of money I don't exactly have (alright it was an e-bay bargain but not a cheap bargain) it will take me eons to get a proper note out of it (though I do have a lifetime to practice), will annoy the heck out of the neighbours (oh well partially deaf on one side and I am moving house!) and seems a bit midlife crisis (well I have been wanting one for about ten years but mortgages and weddings came along).
Though like many things in life I took one look at it and was smitten, it's so gorgeous. It better sound as cool and last the battering it's going to get in my untrained hands. At least being single I can eat baked beans on toast for a month to get back on an even keel financially after this mad purchase.
Oh and it'll pay for itself when I go busking........