Alcohol madness

Very blurry weekend, hence my lack of updates for a while. The 30th Nottingham CAMRA beer festival came to town and over 400 beers and ciders needed to be consumed. Well not all 400 but as many as feasibly possible. I managed to attend 2 days out of the 4 to do my bit and by the looks of it the entirety of Nottingham graced the festival at some point.
This is a good sign that all walks of life are now turning there backs on the gobbling up of small independent breweries by the huge corporations that produce flavoured, chemical ridden tap water and showing that we want 'real' beer, ales and ciders back. There were some mighty fine brews to be had, unfortunately most I will never see again but it was a perfect 'beer moment'
Three favourites stood out, 'Bat' a brew by our local Castle Rock brewery in Nottingham a sort of half way house between a strong dark ale and stout akin to Guinness absolutely divine and judging by how quickly it ran out I think many agreed. 'Cake Walk' which I cannot remember who brewed it as at 6.7% it all went fuzzy after a few of them and a straw pressed cider with a slight fizz not normally found in farm produced ciders but made in the most traditional way so is closest to what cider should taste like!.
On both occasions we hit the pubs after the festival but it wasn't quite the same drinking chemical water after being spoilt by the good CAMRA folks. Anyway I must not drink quite the same volume of beer for a while, my healthy weekly amount was consumed on each night and more so drying out now is in order.
Talking of 'Beer moments' I did wear the newly arrived Nervous Teeth T-shirt to convert the real ale drinkers present and have a photo that may make it to 'the Teeth' at some point when I can get it off Laz's phone!
Mental note to self tho that going to late night bars until four in the morning can only result in liver damage.......