
It's Halloween, lots of scary children dressed in hooded tops demanding wallets, mobile phones or they threatenen to 'cut you up mate'. Just an average day in Nottingham, officially the seventh worst place in the UK to live (better than topping the list last year!).
I am locking the door turning the radio on and watching a few scary movies on my own tonight I think. To avoid the scary kids, I will mark out a chalk body akin to a murder scene outside my house, that normally puts them off.....
I suppose if any come around that are smaller than knee high and don't look threatening I may dole out a few humbugs or something but in all honesty I reckon they should wait to Christmas and do some carol singing, at least thats a bit more entertaining with really bad carol singing.
I could dress up myself and freak them out when answering the door, I have loads of fake blood left from my weekend of Halloween parties. Some particularly scary costumes worn by the nutters I know. I think Ian wins with the devil himself, the hand carved horns were awesome, unfortunately Ian had to duck through doorways which was most un Lord of Darkness like. My scarecrow redesigned to be home friendly didn't shed an entire haybale of straw about so that was a bonus, and was slightly more comfortable and just as scary as previous years, a bit too 'slipknot' but certainly gory. Laz's chainsaw was a better weapon than my bloodied shovel though...
As it was Halloween I had a look for some scary ghostie photo's and found this photo of a gravestone which is equally as scary, not something I would like as my epitaph.