'It's work Jim but not as we know it'

I really have nothing to do today. Hence three posts in one day, that may be a muses record or something. I suppose I have been a bit sporadic of late though. So a recap of my past few days antics.
I am/was on holiday, I was planning a little excursion but cat sitting and my 'fluid' financial situation put a bit of a block on that so I offered (yes offered) to go to work for a few days while every other b****r was on leave to supervise some building work and return all the furniture, computers, books and stuff back to our newly extended staffroom once walls had been rebuilt and the place was painted and rewired.
Bad idea, it's a bombsite with no sign of completion untill Sunday with the room supposed to be back to 'normal' for Monday morning. I envisage chaos and students getting sent home, as the staff have no place to reside and I can't get access to the prep areas so no equipment is going to be available for the little darlings. In fact my diary is buried under a mass of junk in there so I don't even know what's scheduled.
I have decamped to the library (sorry that's student resource area apparently) to get a net connection as even the wireless is fragged in the locality. So I am surfin the net, bloging, searching e-bay for cool stuff I don't need, taking long lunches and generally wondering why I'm even here. I did all I could within a couple of hours and I've got a whole day of this tedium highlighted with drilling, crashes and the smell of smoke and paint thinners tomorrow.
I have had three days off proper though but entirely wasted them refusing to leave the house much as it was wet and I have a cold probably brought on by indulgent weekend. So I rediscovered Super Hero computer game nonsense, spent too much time cleaning the house bordering on obsessive compulsive disorder developing and pondering what I should do with all this free time with no female companion. Surfing porn seemed a good idea but it really isn't all it's cracked up to be. I felt quite sick after seeing some of the stuff the net spewed out at me 'fat old granny goat porn is wrong!' Maybe I need a 'Chris you'll like this' porn filter.
Well at least Halloween parties are in order over the weekend, hot Goth chicks everywhere, OH Yes. Mind you my Scary Scarecrow costume isn't exactly going to get me noticed in the appropriate way.......... Maybe if I stuff straw in certain areas that could bulge more it might tho, I can see a plan forming but I'll have to be careful with the 'gaffer' tape.