NK Dons
North Korea, standing up against the hypocrisy of the present 'Nuclear allowed' and the Non-Proliferation treaty allowing others India/Pakistan/Israel to wave around nukes.
Why is it that the terms of the Non-proliferation treaty demand a scaled reduction of nukes in 'Allowed' countries that hasn't exactly materialised. Why has the USA and others got so many of the bombs to wipe out the planet ten times over?.
Why is it that military action is considered against a country such as Iraq or Iran possibly that 'May' have them or wants them but not others such as the aforementioned India/Pakistan/Israel but adamantly declared a 'no no' once they potentially prove capability such as N Korea.
And how in such a struggling country could they develop and sustain the technology without perhaps smuggling in pre enriched uranium. The trickledown centrifuge numbers to convert yellowcake or whatever must have cost them an arm and leg to sort out?. Mind you, the N Korean leader is fond of his luxuries and toys so perhaps this is his worldly phallic plaything of the moment.
I think I just decided that that advert to convert an old nuclear shelter into a dwelling is looking more and more appealing. Lets hope Iran doesn't now think 'well if he's got one I want one too' somehow though I respect Iran's stance on the nuclear issue more.