Action man?

This is sort of weird yet totally funny. Tony Blair has announced the phased pullout of British troops from Iraq with the first 'home by Christmas' (they always use that turn of phrase for a sympathy vote I reckon and to look compassionate).

Now it is all good news that we are getting out of that mess but Tony Blair has refused to shoulder any blame for the security mess in Iraq blaming internal and external extremists. Ok so what he is saying goes along the lines of invade a country, remove dictator who has stated before you invade you will fight an insurgent war for years, disband his army whom may have had some sort of control and keep the completely corrupt police before you realise they are all out to get you. Then say not my fault the countries in poop. Well he could have a point, he should be blaming Bush......

Anyway as the British troops pull out, no doubt to be redeployed to Afghanistan (remember thats where we thought Osama was?) we are sending more in. Actually according to the press just one regiment. Prince Harry's. Woop and cheer, Action Harry will give those insurgents what for and be a complete security risk, if he gets his head blown off in a roadside bomb the queen isn't going to be too happy.....

Oh well I suppose one less royal family member for the taxpayer to pay for can't be a bad thing and at least he is doing a proper job unlike most of the others....

Finally to wrap this up we have a leadership contest going on for Tony Blair's replacement and Mr Meacher has stepped into the ring and first statement he says is, 'We need a new foreign policy and not be subservient to the USA' finally a politician has admitted it where Tony Blair has completely denied it.Hope he wins rather than Gordon 'where has all the money gone' Brown.

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