Podcasting revolution

I've been into this podcasting malarkey for a couple of years now and I have to say it's quite a revolution. I-pod and apple have created a must have gadget that has inspired a generation.

I've been lucky enough to now access radio stations globally which I was unable to before but one of the best aspects in my opinion how easy it is for everyman and his dog to produce and broadcast podcasts to the masses it reminds me of surges in pirate radio and the whole CB thing.

Podcasts are also quite an amazing research media archiving all the tidbits for later use. I suppose I have to sing their praises now I have accidentally ended up with two. Apple has a strange habit of being pretty durable as well as prone to random acts of failure in their designs. I have after relating my I-pod fixit heard of dead I-Pods reactivating after drops and being perfectly working again, weird.

Oh so to celebrate the Apple I-pod revolution I'll have to post a link to my latest listening, as well as hunting out new music to inspire my Saxophone learning (and I need it too, it's a bloody scary hard thing...) I have decided I really need to hunt out cool new local places to go, people to see and music to admire. This has really been confirmed by my night out last night with some old work colleagues and between us it was painfully apparent that we were collectively a pile of pants at going out in Nottingham drinking and went to many places with memories of what it was 5-10 years ago and being rudely awakened. And there are so many cool places that I seem to know about but rarely visit why doesn't everyone know about them.....

I also have found that local music is something that desperately needs promoting. I find local bands globally that are brilliant but never get exposed to the masses. That we hope is changing with I-pods, my space, free download sites and the Internet as one global advertising space.

Anyway here is a link to a couple of the Nottingham affairs that give me some idea what is 'down with the kids' in this big smoke. Oh and have a good laugh at local nutters to boot.




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