Enlightening times

There seems to be a bit of explosion of the publics interest in 'end times', 'the rapture', 'Mayan calenders', '2012' and a whole host of religious and spiritual awareness.
It seems strange to me that considering myself fairly religious having had the whole Christian indoctrination from early childhood like many others and holding fairly strong moral views over the years that I'm becoming a more spiritual individual.

I think we can all see the planet going down the pan. Wars, famines, global warming, genocide etc etc. At times like this we all globally want something to cling on to and give us hope and I suppose religion and spirituality fill this need. How ironic that as people embrace their individual religions extremists push forward more global destruction.

Maybe we should all remember that most religions have love for each others fellow man and a god/s as the central themes and we seem to be missing this along the lines. I don't feel I can ever truly hate anyone, does that make me more spiritually enlightened?. That doesn't mean I won't stop disliking a lot of people but I certainly wouldn't wish them gone in a global catastrophe, even that Tony Blair chappie.

Or maybe I'm mixing up my spirituality with my inherent hippyness and have inhaled too much incense recently whilst chucking runestones about. Oh well we will all be living on top of hills with our wellies on soon and have too much to worry about than bombing Iran or suchlike.

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